October 2014 Club Night – Notes

18-members were present to hear from motorcycle racer and engineer, Roger Moss. Thank you very much indeed to Richard Ballard for facilitating this event for us.

Below is a précis of what was discussed prior to Roger’s talk:


  • A very warm welcome to everybody here tonight. There were no new faces.


  • Also a very warm welcome to our special guest speaker, Roger Moss.


  • Congratulations to Jonathan Toon on passing his test. Jonathan received his certificate from me recently


  • Presentation of Masters certificate to Andrew Vest


  • Presentation of certificate to Noel Devonport


  • Presentation of certificate to Adrian Menzies


  • Presentation of certificate to Matthew Lynch


  • Christmas dinner – venue ideas needed please. To be held in the New Year. Geoff Salt and Gillian have very kindly offered to organise this meal for us again, so a big thank you to them


  • Christmas Toy Run confirmed for Sunday 21 December 2014


  • Gordon Constable in hospital with pneumonia/Legionella, so club runs are suspended until further notice, unless anyone else wants to volunteer to take charge in his absence. I am sure you will all join me in wishing Gordon a speedy recovery. Andy Vest offered to organise club runs whilst Gordon is out of action


  • Committee meeting will be held on Monday 20 October 2014 at The Bull and Bush, Mackworth


  • Observers training day is on Sunday 26 October 2014 at Police HQ, Ripley


  • National Conference on Sunday 02 November 2014. Me and Geoff Salt will be attending on behalf of the club


  • If there is anything that YOU want us to discuss in committee then please do let us know


  • Club subs of £10 will be payable by all members in January 2015. This can be done by cash, cheque or direct debit. Our club relies heavily on these subscriptions, so please all pay up promptly. Thank you


  • Club nights may well be moving to the second Tuesday of each month from January 2015 onwards. This will be confirmed at a later date


  • County Council are looking for content to put in the next edition of the riders magazine. They want to know your favourite routes and destinations within Derbyshire. Please tell me this information and I will pass it on for you
Updated: 16th October 2014 — 09:10