Tonight was another great night, with over 30 people coming along to club night for our Bring & Buy sale. Many folks bought and sold their gear, and had a good old natter at the same time!

Here are my notes for those who were unable to make it in person.


  • Good evening and welcome to our Bring & Buy sale club night. A very warm welcome to any new members, it is nice to see you all.
  • Apologies for the disruption to the next few club nights. This is due to double-booking by the Royal Oak. There will be significant changes to club nights this year. I’ll update everyone as soon as our plans are confirmed.
  • AGM – Tuesday 10 March 2015. We will be joined by Mr Dave Shenton, Head of Field Operations at IAM head Office. He will answer any questions you have. This is your chance to tap -in to 30-years of IAM experience.
  • Easter Egg run to Derby Children’s Hospital is on Sunday 29 March 2015. Please invite all of your biker friends – it is not just for IAM members. Full details will be released in due course.
  • Biker Down initiative. Biker focused first aid course and scene management training. If you are interested in attending, please let me know. Limited to 15 people per session, held in South Yorkshire. Each DAM member will make a £5 donation to their charity.
  • To vote at the AGM, or to stand for election, or to attend any official DAM events such as rides, etc., you MUST be a fully paid-up member of both the IAM and DAM. You can pay DAM subs by bank transfer, cash or cheque. Thank you to everyone who has paid already, if you haven’t done so please make your payment asap please.



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