Frequently asked Questions

Each training session will be tailored to the individuals learning and base skills level. Expect anything from 3-4 hours which will involve a brief, riding, discussion and a debrief. The training will be fun and informative.

Typically, there are between six and twelve sessions. This does not mean you cannot have more if you feel necessary. Some associates complete the course in fewer than six sessions. Bear in mind that it’s not the time but the end quality of riding that’s foremost.

You will be allocated an observer near you, and when you contact each other, you can both arrange a suitable place to meet.

We do not pay our observers, and they are all volunteers who want to give you their time.

In addition to the course fee, we ask for a voluntary contribution of £10.00 to be given to your allocated observer for each session you go on. This contribution goes towards the fuel, equipment, and maintenance of the observer’s machine.

As you complete the Advanced Riding Course, your achievements are recorded against the competencies within the course’s seven core principles.

  • Human factors
  • Core Skills
  • Bends and Cornering
  • Roundabouts and Junctions
  • Overtaking
  • Motorways and Dual carriageway
  • Slow Riding

Upon completing these competencies, you’ll feel more confident about your ride and familiar with the IAMs system.

Your observer will discuss when you’re approaching test readiness.

We will address your safety, forward observation, progress and restraint as well as any riding and handling issues you may have. All our observers are very experienced over many years and many skill sets.

Derbyshire Advanced Motorcyclists is not just about training, although this is our key objective. The club, your club, offers scheduled ride-outs during the week and weekends, evening chippy rides, and external event not organised by the club.

We also meet on the second Tuesday of the month for our regular club night at the Red Cow, Derby, where we discuss the club, training and skills, and guest speakers throughout the year. Refer to the club calendar for more information.