Below is a précis of what was discussed during our August club night last Wednesday. Unfortunately, due to a poor attendance, the quiz was postponed until our club night in November.


DAM Club Night

Wednesday 20 August 2014. 19 members present.

Quiz night! (Postponed until November)

* A very warm welcome to any new members (Geoff Bibby) and any prospective members (Shirley Searson)
* Presentation of IMI National Observer Qualification to Geoff Salt
* Presentation of IMI National Observer Qualification to Shaun Bounds
* Presentation of IAM Certificate to Kevin Fox
* Presentation of IAM Certificate to Annie Beddows
* Group riding – please read the document on the website. The best way to practice group riding is to come on group rides!
* Club ride out this Sunday 24 August 2014
* Chip shop run on Friday 12 September 2014
* Ladies Day with Derby RoSPA on Sunday 14 September 2014
* Club night on Wednesday 17 September 2014 with special guest speaker Mr Ian Windmill from the Casualty Reduction Enforcement Support Team (CREST)
* Club night on Wednesday 15 October 2014 with special guest speaker Roger Moss from Moss Engineering
* Vote on club night poll – Tuesday or Wednesday from January 2015? Take the poll on our website
* The IAM are using social media more and more, and this trend will only increase. DAM have a Facebook page and a Twitter account for you to use, in addition to our fabulous new website
* As ever, keep fully updated by visiting our website that attracts 1,000 hits per DAY. You can use the new ‘Comments’ feature to make it easier for you to communicate with the whole group as well as the committee
* Apologies for my absence during September 2014, whilst I go away for medical treatment. You can continue to communicate with any member of the committee during my absence. Full contact details are available on our website



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